#throwback at The Gold Mine, way before the bushfires and COVID-19. @freewillywalker12climbing Who is Who in the Climbing Zoo (22/6c+). I’m wondering if the permaledges survived the bushfires. Have you been back since the bushfires?… need to go back to that place, it is really unique. Check out the virtual tour for this area at https://the360guide.com/jer/ #Climbing#ClimbingGuidebook #VirtualReality
#escalada #guiadeescalada#realidadvirtual
#Klettern #Kletterführer#VirtuelleRealität
#クライミング #クライミングガイド #バーチャルリアリティ
#Klättring #klättringguide#virtuellverklighet
#arrampicata #guidadiarrampicata#realtavirtuale #réalitévirtuelle