I finally got my act together and completed the Gateway Virtual Tour, it has been sitting in my computer for almost a year. Here we have @justinbgormly fighting the crux of Super Sprinkle Cake (28/7c+). If you want to see more about this magic place, check out the virtual tour at https://the360guide.com/blackheath/ #Climbing #ClimbingGuidebook#VirtualReality
#escalada #guiadeescalada#realidadvirtual
#Klettern #Kletterführer#VirtuelleRealität
#クライミング #クライミングガイド #バーチャルリアリティ
#Klättring #klättringguide#virtuellverklighet
#arrampicata #guidadiarrampicata#realtavirtuale #réalitévirtuelle