Couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to photograph @akh_wanderlust climbing Super Duper Goo (29/8a) and yesterday she texted me and told me that she had finally sent it. Really happy for her and look forward to catch up for more shots. If you would like to know more about climbing in Diamond Falls, check out the virtual tour at #Climbing #ClimbingGuidebook #VirtualReality
#escalada #guiadeescalada #realidadvirtual
#Klettern #Kletterführer #VirtuelleRealität
#クライミング #クライミングガイド #バーチャルリアリティ
#Klättring #klättringguide #virtuellverklighet
#arrampicata #guidadiarrampicata #realtavirtuale #réalitévirtuelle
#womenclimbing #climbinggirls #hardcorewomen